2016 P T D 709

[Federal Tax Ombudsman]

Before Abdur Rauf Chaudhry, Federal Tax Ombudsman




Complaint No.448/LHR/IT(318)/1473 of 2015, decided on 12/02/2016.

Income Tax Ordinance (XLIX of 2001)---

----S. 234---Establishment of Office of Federal Tax Ombudsman Ordinance (XXXV of 2000), Ss.2(3) & 10---Complaint against problems faced by taxpayers in electronic input of particulars through the "IRIS" pertaining to payment of motor vehicle tax under S.234 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001---Maladministration---Scope---Federal Tax Ombudsman observed that the IRIS e-system of the Department was the cause of many problems faced by taxpayers with regard to filing of returns as well as related documentation and Tax Facilitation Wing of the Department had evidently not been able to explain the said system properly to the taxpayers and public-at-large and that it was high time that a concerted campaign be launched to remove bugs from the said system and educate the public on all aspects of its utilization---Departmental maladminsitration was therefore, evident---Federal Tax Ombudsman recommended that the "IRIS" system be debugged and Tax Facilitation Wing of the Federal Board of Revenue launch a campaign to educate taxpayers on all aspects of the "IRIS" system---Complaint was disposed of, accordingly.

Muhammad Munir Qureshi, Advisor Dealing Officer.

Nemo Authorized Representative.

Mrs. Bushra Fatima, DCIR Departmental Representative.


ABDUR RAUF CHAUDHRY, FEDERAL TAX OMBUDSMAN.---This is a complaint filed under section 10(1) of the Establishment of Federal Tax Ombudsman Ordinance, 2000 against problems faced by taxpayer in electronic input of particulars through IRIS pertaining to payment of motor vehicle tax under section 234 of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001(the Ordinance).

2.The Complainant contends that he could not enter the relevant particulars at the time of filing return for Tax Year, 2015 as the relevant field was statedly blocked by the e-system. He stated that he sent a message to Member I.T for clarification and assistance but elicited no response.

3.When confronted, the competent authority in FBR submitted a reply to state that the Complainant's problems were due to the fact that he did not refer to the Audio/Video Help available in the IRIS system for e-filing of returns of income and related documents.


4.The IRIS e-system is the cause of many problems faced by taxpayers with regard to filing of returns and related documentation. The tax facilitation wing of FBR has evidently not been able to explain the system properly to taxpayers and the public at large. It is high time that a concerted campaign be launched to de-bug the IRIS system and educate the public on all aspects of its utilization. Dept'l maladministration is evident in this case.


6.FBR to?

(i)direct PRAL to de-bug IRIS;

(ii)direct tax facilitation wing of FBR to launch campaign to educate taxpayers on all aspects of IRIS; and

(iii) report compliance within 30 days.

KMZ/10/FTOOrder accordingly.